Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Part II: Great Secrets for Singing

Following the Lester Lexicon that opens "Great Secrets for Singing,"  the second half of the book shares John L. Lester's remarkable biography.  From his earliest years in Ohio through a covered wagon journey to Texas and then New Mexico, Lester is identified by his voice teacher in Texas as a young man with great potential as a singer. After studying in NYC Oscar Seagle and Jean de Reszke, he travels to Italy and continues his development as a soloist with renown singer and pegagogue, Jean de Reszke in Nice, France. Lester moves to NYC and teaches voice to students ranging from actors at Paramount Studios to NBC radio personalities to Alice Marble, one of the great female tennis stars of all time. He finally takes his young family to Montana where he establishes the University of Montana as a place to go to study voice.

The authors, Robert Hoyem and Gary Funk, studied with Lester during their respective student years at The University of Montana.

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